Climate Change Economics

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Slides 50-54 are either new or have been revised.  They now include a comparison of regulations and market mechanisms in addition to a comparison of cap and trade and a carbon tax.

52: regulations interact in unfortunate ways with cap and trade, but not a carbon tax

53: Thoughts on Regulation vs Market Oriented - equity and efficiency.  market tools win.

54: Efficiency: Cafe vs Carbon tax
Posted on 2019-12-11 12:41:26 by Jon Haveman

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Posted on 2021-11-17 21:25:56 by Guest
The slide deck and narrative have been updated online.  Only really some minor formatting and slight substantive changes - ie, mentioning the 2018 report.
Posted on 2019-03-28 11:15:25 by Jon Haveman

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I have just uploaded a revised version of the Climate Change slide deck.  Most of the changes are cosmetic.  On a substantive note, I have added a slide about market-based adaptation and some text to the narrative on same.

Would be delighted to hear any thoughts/suggestions/comments/concerns with the slide deck!
Posted on 2019-01-30 10:03:05 by Jon Haveman

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I have just uploaded a new version of the Climate Change slide deck.  I view this version as being the penultimate version of the deck.

At this point, the deck needs only a review by a conservative economist. Once that has happened and her changes have been incorporated, the deck will be available for widespread use.

We would more than welcome comments from anybody on the slide deck.
Posted on 2018-09-14 09:21:46 by Jon Haveman

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